Appointment Scheduling: You can schedule appointments through our website portal or by contacting us directly via phone or email. While we strive to select the best time of day considering weather conditions, the Client ultimately bears the responsibility of ensuring favorable conditions at the scheduled time. Skyline Media, LLC reserves the right to change, modify, or relocate appointments for logistical reasons to better serve our extensive client network. In such cases, we will provide proper notice through a phone call, text, and email.

Travel and Parking Fees: Our pricing includes travel and parking fees; therefore, no additional charges are incurred for distance or paid parking.

Payments: Clients have the opportunity to review and approve any media before making payments. Our automated system allows the viewing of watermarked photos before payment, with the watermark automatically removed upon settling the balance.

Rescheduling & Cancellations: Skyline Media, LLC does not impose fees for rescheduling or cancellations, even if we arrive at the shoot and it is not ready. Recognizing that unforeseen circumstances may arise, our aim is to be an integral part of your team, fostering a seamless and collaborative process. In the event that appointments cannot proceed due to weather conditions (e.g., the photographer is unable to fly the drone due to rain/wind, or heavy rain prevents capturing exteriors), rescheduling will be arranged after notifying the Realtor.

Liability & Insurance: Skyline Media, LLC is covered under a $2M general business liability policy, available upon request. Our drone operators are licensed with the FAA. Our employees may exercise discretion in deeming a job unsafe due to weather conditions, proximity to airports, or other factors. We reserve the right to refuse video/photo services for any reason.

Property Readiness: Clients are responsible for ensuring the property is ready upon our arrival. While our team may make minor adjustments at their discretion, we do not handle moving, changing, or altering objects. The property will be shot "AS-IS," and clients are encouraged to refer to our "Pre-Shoot Checklist."

Order Details & Accuracy: The Client is required to provide accurate and complete information upon placing an order. We retain the right to rectify any inaccuracies in the information provided and revise the order pricing accordingly to ensure accurate representation (e.g., if the client specifies a property size of 2,000 square feet but it is actually 3,000 square feet). 

Asset Delivery: We aim to deliver all media within 24 hours of the completed shoot time. However, 3D video renders and other virtual services may require additional time based on the complexity of the project, typically within 48 hours of the completed shoot time. 

Refunds: Skyline Media, LLC does not offer refunds, and all sales are final. Canceled appointments that have been paid are eligible for credit towards the next appointment.

Floor Plans: Skyline Media, LLC provides approximate floor plans, and square footage is estimated. We do not assure precise measurements when producing floor plans, and all measurements are to be considered approximations. These measurements should be used as a general overview rather than an exact measuring tool. Our floor plans are artistic sketches depicting the home's layout, and we do not guarantee accuracy, as the tools we employ are third-party resources. However, we can guarantee the quality and completeness of floor plans through our floor plan services.

Asset Rights and License: 

Grant of Rights: You hereby provide Skyline Media, LLC, and its affiliates, contractors, commercial partners, licensees, successors, and assigns with a non-exclusive, perpetual, fully transferable, sub-licensable worldwide right and license to produce, reproduce, display, transmit, and distribute the Work through any existing or future media channels. The term "Work" encompasses photo(s), video(s), and/or 3D content, floor plans, graphics, audio, animation, constituent files, and other visual content of the property generated under these terms, including any resulting derivative works. All rights not explicitly granted herein are retained by Skyline Media, LLC, including copyright and ownership rights in the Work. Skyline Media, LLC retains the privilege to utilize the Work for its portfolio, samples, self-promotion, contest or exhibition entries, editorial purposes, or for display within or outside of Skyline Media, LLC's premises. Additionally, Skyline Media, LLC reserves the right to assign, transfer, license, distribute, or syndicate the Work and associated rights to its commercial partners. You do not possess ownership rights of the Work, and any sale, licensing, copying, modification, reproduction, or creation of derivatives requires prior written consent from Skyline Media, LLC.

Usage Rights:  In consideration of the Rights granted herein, Skyline Media, LLC confers upon You the right to utilize the images derived from the Work and provided to you by Skyline Media, LLC for the purpose of marketing and promoting the Property, endorsing Your real estate endeavors and/or listings, Your brokerage(s), and/or Your business(es) ("Your License"). Your License is non-exclusive, non-transferable, applicable across all territories and media, and remains valid indefinitely on websites owned by You. You may grant authorization to third-party websites, including but not limited to Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or real estate listing portal websites, to display said content solely for advertising the relevant listing, as long as the listing is actively available for sale by the listing agent. Your authorization for third-party websites will automatically expire once the listing is no longer available for sale or when the pertinent listing agreement between the Property owner and the listing agent concludes, whichever occurs first.

Indemnification: In addition to the stipulations outlined in Section 6, you agree to indemnify and absolve Skyline Media, LLC, its officers, members, employees, contractors, licensees, sublicensees, agents, successors, and assigns from any and all liability, claims, injuries, damages, loss, expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees), arising from the execution of this Agreement or any distribution or utilization of the Work created herein due to your violation of any warranties, representations, or certifications herein, or as a consequence of your negligent or intentional acts or omissions, and/or those of your officers, agents, independent contractors, employees, family members, invitees, licensors, the Property owner, and/or guests.